How to Take Care of Your Hardwood Floor

Hardwood floors are beautiful and practical. They offer the best of both worlds by being durable enough for daily use, but still able to look new with the proper maintenance techniques. Taking care of your hardwood floors is an investment in the future of your home. Because they are so valuable, it makes sense to make sure that you get as much value out of them as possible. This includes taking some basic steps for maintaining their beauty and durability!

What does deep cleaning mean for a hardwood floor?

Hardwood floors are a beautiful and rewarding addition to any home, but they need special care. Weekly dusting won’t be enough for the dirt-loving floorboards! To keep your nice-looking floors clean you will want to give them a regular deep cleaning.

To keep your hardwood floors looking their best, you should deep clean them about once every six months using a special mop and product. First wet the mop, then squeeze out any excess moisture before proceeding with step two: wrung tight until it feels only slightly damp. Finally, get busy swiping across each individual square inch until all dirt has been removed.

If you have a cleaning product, rinse the surface, and wipe up any excess liquid immediately because standing water can damage wood surfaces.

How to remove:

  • Dark spots and pet stains: Clean the spot with steel wool and floor wax. If it is still dark, apply bleach or vinegar to soak in for an hour, then rinse off immediately so that any leftover solution doesn’t damage other areas of your wood floors as well!
  • Heel marks: Use fine steel wool to rub in floor wax and get them out!
  • Oil-based stains: You can remove oil-based stains with a soft cloth and dish detergent. Rub the area to break down grease, rinse it off in clear water if you don’t see results after one application of a cleaning agent, repeat until all stains have been removed.
  • Watermarks: To remove water stains, rub the spot with No. 000 steel wool and floor wax if it goes deeper than that, light sanding or odorless mineral spirits will help.

Here are more tips to take care properly of your hardwood floor:

Don’t expose it to the sunlight if possible

There are many ways to protect your hardwood floors from the sun, but if you have big windows where sunlight comes in then consider using curtains or blinds. The ultraviolet rays can have ill effects on these types of floors, so it is important they are taken care of properly!

An easy way to start off right is to routinely brush away dirt particles before they get the chance to set down roots on top; a good weekly vacuum and a deep clean every 6 months can’t hurt either.

Don’t move your furniture around

It is important to know the right way of moving large furniture such as sofas on hardwood floors. Do not drag them across the floor because this may cause scratches! Instead, use dollies when lifting furniture and place them carefully on top of these pads, they are designed for just this purpose after all!

Spills and stains should be cleaned up as soon as possible.

It is easy to forget about your hardwood floor when it is in a good condition. If you haven’t had a new finish for long, then some issues might occur. It might be that water has seeped into the wood and caused stains or finish loss. Sanding down affected areas will help get rid of this problem quickly before things get worse!

Sweep your hardwood floor regularly

It is a good idea to use brooms with fine but strong bristles because they are most effective at removing grit and dust from the creases of your flooring. If your broom has too soft bristles, it will just drag more dirt into the cracks.

Ad pads to the legs of your furniture

The best way to prevent scratches on your beautiful wood flooring is by adding furniture pads. These can be easily screwed or nailed into place, depending upon what type of surface you want to protect from any future damage that might occur due to contact with sharp objects.

Polish your floor

Hardwood floors are beautiful and luxurious, but they do have their limitations. For example, they don’t withstand either high traffic nor water damage. This means you will need regular maintenance, just like with most other flooring materials! Luckily, there is a solution: polishing! Polishing helps extend the life span and brings back the shine. Before polishing, make sure everything has been cleaned off completely with a sweep or vacuum cleaner.

Refinish from time to time

Refinishing hardwood flooring is a great way to restore your floors. You should only do this once every seven or ten years, depending on the age and thickness of the wood you are working with.

Conclusion: Take good care of your hardwood floor!

Floors are constantly under pressure. From daily traffic and inevitable spills, scuffs, or mishaps. But we can’t always be there, which is why we have to take preventive measures to keep your home looking beautiful and saving time.

Your hardwood floor is more than just something beautiful; it is also an extension of yourself. You should take pride in caring for your floors, so that when guests come over or family members visit, there will be something warm welcoming them at every step they take into this space that is all yours.

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We born to be creative. It's in our blood and we live it out in our interior design. We would say our style is pure & minimalist. Concentration on little things what makes really happy and feeling good. We also like to call it "Slow Living". Arrive, slow down and find peace. We are happy to help... to create an oasis for your home or your guests.

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