Did You Know That Having Hardwood Floor is a Healthy Option for You?

Did you know that hardwood floors are the best way to improve indoor air quality? For people who suffer from allergies, this can be really nice. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has some good news for you: hardwood floors are much safer than their carpet counterparts! They don’t harbor microorganisms or allergens that may be carried inside from outdoors, which makes them healthier.

Why are hardwood floors a healthier option?

Hardwood floors are a healthier choice for your home because they don’t trap dust, which can lead to all sorts of respiratory problems.

Breathing in mold can lead to a variety of serious health issues, including asthma and chronic sickness. This affects both kids and adults, but it is especially harmful for those with seasonal allergies because they are more likely to suffer from health issues than anyone else living in your environment.

With all this information about the risks of chemicals accumulating in your home, it is no wonder that many people are nowadays choosing to install a hardwood floor.

A recent study by the EPA found out various toxins like pesticides can end up on surfaces within our homes easily if we have carpets installed!

This is not only unhealthy for you, but very dangerous for children as well! The high concentration level of pesticides could cause sickness or even allergies among adults if they are exposed to it long-term.

When you use natural wood flooring in your home, there are many benefits for your health and the environment. Synthetic materials can cause a lot more harm than good when it comes to off-gassed particles that are known by experts as being dangerous to all those living or working around them!

Create a healthy environment

From outside to inside

Hardwood flooring is a very good choice since it is both durable and eco-friendly.

Purchasing real hardwood from local mills, on the other hand, actually helps protect the forest.

As you bring this natural wood into your home, it directly impacts the air quality as well!

Incorporate natural elements

The idea of biophilic design is that, including natural elements, such as wood or water, helps to create an environment that is beneficial for your health.

Studies have proven this, with data showing how spending time outside helps people’s well-being. Not only does the idea of a biophilic lifestyle make our homes healthier, but bringing nature indoors also benefits the whole family. They get some fresh air too from window sills filled with plants, making everyone happy (and healthy!). 

The Green Building Community has recently increased attention towards building products that help build green spaces and benefit the overall well-being. This advice is based on scientific evidence, so they know what works best when designing new buildings.

Real wood flooring vs imitation floors

Laminate, tile, and vinyl floors have come a long way in the past decade. They can look nice if you are looking to save money on your home’s decorating budget. But these imitation products still lack that certain something that makes real wood flooring so popular among homeowners today!

The imitation floors are like the fast fashion of flooring. They will not last long, and they don’t do anything for your home’s value or appeal besides looking cheaper than real wood. Thus, real wood has been proven time after again to be a healthier alternative with an environmental benefit included!

The health concerns with some of these imitation floors are severe. Most come from countries without adequate regulations, and they contain high levels of formaldehyde. Vinyl flooring also poses risks for your reproductive system because it contains phthalates mixed into additives like plasticizers or stabilizers. These are toxins that may contribute to asthma attacks, among other things.

In addition to that, you should also consider the negative environmental impacts of these imitation wood floors. Oil-derived polymers are a tremendous problem for the environment due to their numerous negative effects. They aren’t biodegradable, so they will remain in landfills for millennia after being produced.

Tiling is a great option for those who want their floors to stay fresh and new, but tiles cannot be changed once applied.

On the other hand, wood flooring can last decades with little effort required! New technologies in finishes make maintaining this type of surface an absolute doddle, rather than something time-consuming or difficult.

Once you have installed a real wood floor in your house, it is permanent. Refinishing is a cost-effective technique to create new floors for resale of your property. It is also possible to alter the hue of old flooring patterns to match current trends! But there are some risks with laminate floors since they may not always match up well enough when you want them fixed due to being unfinished. This would require replacing an entire layer rather than just repairing a simple damage!


When choosing flooring, think about the sustainability of your purchase. Wood and bamboo products are more environmentally friendly than others because they don’t require extensive processing to create their final form.

Hardwood flooring is generally more expensive in terms of raw material, but the cost of installation and finishing them should be comparable. Oak planks take longer than pine or birch hard woods because they are so dense. However, you can expect a higher life expectancy from these types of wood products as well!

Conclusion: Go for the natural and healthy

Hardwood floors have been used for centuries as a surface in homes, restaurants, and schools. They provide the most natural environment possible to live or work in. These floors are easy-to maintain, which means you won’t need any expensive repairs down the line, especially if properly cared for. Plus, their durability makes them an excellent choice no matter how often your house changes its decorating style!

You will make the best investment of your life when choosing hardwood flooring. The wood will provide you with incredible benefits and there is no other option that can come close!

Editorial Staff

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We born to be creative. It's in our blood and we live it out in our interior design. We would say our style is pure & minimalist. Concentration on little things what makes really happy and feeling good. We also like to call it "Slow Living". Arrive, slow down and find peace. We are happy to help... to create an oasis for your home or your guests.

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